Building Hope Task Force Report
In April 2021, Archbishop Dermot Farrell established a Task Force called Building Hope. The Task Force was asked to assess the needs of the people of the Archdiocese of Dublin emerging from Covid-19 and to work to support parish communities as they undertake a radical renewal, looking to the future with creativity. 3000 people, mostly lay faithful, responded to the invitation to share their views. The Task Force Report was published in October 2021 and is available here:
Building Hope Task Force ReportHoly Trinity Parish Profile
We recently received our Parish Profile from the Archdiocese. It contains statistics from the 2016 Census (the last available census) about the population of the Parish, including the number who identified as Roman Catholic, and some information on the makeup of our community. It also contains information provided by the parish on the number of Baptisms, Confirmations, and Funerals celebrated each year, as well as the number of Mass Goers, up to 2019. Finally, it includes a summary of parish collections up to 2021. The Parish Profile is available here:
Holy Trinity Parish ProfileSynodal Meeting Report
The report of the Synodal Meetings held in March this year, which also included parishioners from St. Monica’s and St. Benedict’s parishes, has been published, and is available here:
Synod Meeting ReportBuilding Hope Parish Gathering
Each parish community has been invited to begin to reflect on how best to respond to the pastoral situation in which we find ourselves. It is very clear that the future will not look like the past. For this purpose we are being asked to hold a Building Hope conversation in our parish. The graphic below shows the framework which will be used to structure and guide the gathering.
There will be one meeting in Holy Trinity Parish on Tuesday 7th June at 7.30pm where we will look together at our current pastoral and financial situation, with the help of some statistics from our Parish Profile, then we will consider what is working well and what needs to be developed. Finally, we will begin to reflect on how we can share our gifts and talents, team ministries and pastoral provision in partnership with other parishes.